
Total acts of kindness as of May 16, 2024

There's an app for that.


You can also make sure your acts of kindness are counted with the One Billion Acts of Kindness app.

Get social. Share your acts of kindness with the world.


The Orange County Department of Education and its partners have launched an ambitious campaign encouraging students, educators and community members to help reach the goal of registering one billion acts of kindness.


What constitutes an act of kindness? Well, that’s pretty much up to you. It could be as simple as picking up a discarded cup along the sidewalk or allowing a car to merge in front of you on a busy interchange. Or it could be more involved, like visiting a home for senior citizens, joining a beach clean-up or volunteering at a local animal shelter. Either way, it’s about doing something kind with no expectations of reciprocity, and we hope you’ll add to our running total by sharing it on this site or on social media.

One Billion Acts of Kindness is an initiative created by the Orange County Department of Education and Orange County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Al Mijares to improve school climates, promote character and rally the community for greater civility. For more information, visit the OCDE website or email communications@ocde.us.
